Sunday, January 11, 2015

Argument Essay: Should Books Be Banned?

     Everyday student's rights are infringed upon. These rights are being restricted by school administrations banning books based on their content. Books should not be banned because the exposure to unfamiliar content matures readers.

      During the teenage years teens discover their sexuality, a topic many banned books deal with. This physical and emotional transformation can be very challenging for teens who are uninformed and confused. Books that discuss this sexuality can help teens cope with and understand the changes occurring during this transformative period. However many of these books that discuss this sexuality have been banned or challenged from many schools  due to their sexual content. For example, the book "Looking For Alaska" by John Green, talks about teen's sexual urges. Books shouldn't be banned because they teach teens about how they sexually mature.

    Another way that the exposure to unfamiliar content can help children, is by helping them cope and understand social issues within their lives. For example, the article, "Yes, Teen Fiction Can Be Dark- But It Shows Teenagers That They Aren't Alone" by Maureen Johnson says, " On Twitter people share their stories about how YA(Young adult fiction) has changed their lives using the #YASAVES." This shows how YA fiction, has benefited many people's lives.

    However many opponents say that some books content is too disturbing and students shouldn't be exposed to it. However this exposure is necessary for the emotional development of a child. Teens who are exposed to "disturbing content will be more prepared should a similar situation arise in their own lives.

     Books shouldn't be banned in any context because the exposure from a books content teaches and potentially matures the reader. I believe that the restriction, regulation or censorship of any medium of media is wrong. The way that people learn and grow is through experience and to have school administrations decide that for you restricts your personal freedom. People also learn from mistakes. If a person were to read a book they weren't mature enough for they would learn and grow from that experience, but if people are catching kids before they fall they are hurting rather than benefiting students lives.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Social Injustice In TV: 90210


The show 90210 is a perfect example of how hollywood portrays how teens should be. The show 90210 is about the drama of a rich elitist high school in Beverly Hills, CA. All the characters in the show are wealthy have stick thin figures and glossed faces.  This picturesque portrayal of how teens are supposed to act and dress corrupts teen’s personalities. By showing teens this perfect world where people ride around in sports cars and wear $5,000 shoes it gives them a standard that they feel they have to achieve or their not ‘cool.’
Another social injustice in 90210 is the racial diversity. In the show there are two leading characters who aren’t white. One of them was adopted into a wealthy white family from a impoverished household. This entertains a stereotype about how people of color have less money and should be pitied.  The other leading person of color in 90210 is a middle eastern boy who has his fortune from his dad’s pornography business. This introduces another stereotype about how people of color can only make a fortune in a sleazy and shady way.
The show 90210 inaccurately portrays teens. Teenage years are defined by a teeen discovering their sexuallity which in reality is a very awkward and confusing period of time. In the show 90210 teens have perfect romantic relationships and every aspect of it is easy for everyone.

Response to News on Social Injustice

News Response

The article “AREAS CONTROLLED BY ISLAMIC STATE ARE NEWS “BLACK HOLES” is about how how certain areas in the middle east are now unsafe for reporters to go due to public violence and crime against these reporters. If I were in the role that these noble reporters are in now I would be incredibly frightened because the overwhelming hatred felt towards the reporters in these areas. I would also be frightened because of the possibility that a reporter could be tortured, kidnapped and murdered.

Everyday Social Injustices: Exclusion

Unjust Social Scenes

  • Exclusion
  • Sexism /Gender Equality
  • The use of the word “Gay” in a derogatory way

Expansion On: Exclusion

In my everyday life I see people be excluded from groups of people going on lunch. Another example of how people are excluded is that most social groups consist of people of the same backgrounds. For example, a white kid from Park Slope will most likely be closest friends with another white kid from Park Slope. This is a social injustice because it shows how people don’t feel accepted in all walks of life. It also, serves as a model for the whole world. All over the world when people would immigrate they would most likely be secluded in an environment of people with the same background. For example, In NYC China Town is a region of Manhattan mostly populated by Chinese Americans.  

Article Analysis: "On Rooftops of Ferguson, Volunteers Patrol, With Guns."

Social Justice Article:

Fernandez, Manny, and Alan Blinder. "On Rooftops of Ferguson, Volunteers Patrol, With Guns." The New York Times. The New York Times, 29 Nov. 2014. Web. 01 Dec. 2014.

The article "On Rooftops of Ferguson, Volunteers Patrol, With Guns" by Alan Blinder and Manny Fernandez talks about an armed citizen militia in Ferguson, MO that is protecting the city from looters looting and destroying buildings and stores. This is an example of injustice because it shows the use of violence as an excuse for the the horrible tragedy that happened in Ferguson, MO regarding the shooting of Michael Brown. It is an injustice that people believe that because of the unstable state of the town of Ferguson people use that as a reason to loot and burn down buildings. It is also an injustice that people use violence and possibly more fatalities as a solution to an already extremely fatal and bleak environment.

In my own life it makes me think about how physical aggression affects my social life. For example, a kid who verbally is threatening violence is looked up to as this cool stereotypical ‘tough’ guy. This relates to the article because it is talking about an example of a misappropriation physical aggression in society similarly to how kids and teens use physical aggression to create a persona of them.

Interview With Ramona Petrini

To ask the question what are the just and unjust parts of the world I turned to my sister, Ramona Petrini.

Joseph Petrini: What do you think is just and unjust about the world?

Ramona Petrini: What I think  is good about the world is that there are people and plants and animals and all kinds of cool phenomena. Its a small rich place. A small place in a huge esoteric universe, its got a cool paradox thing going. I can’t truly explain what I feel is good about the world.

Joseph Petrini: Specifically socially, what do you think is good or just about the world?

Ramona Petrini: Well socially I like that there is love that exists. Thats good. I like about the world the most is that it exists and that there are people in it that love one another.

Joseph Petrini: What do you think is unjust in the world?

Ramona Petrini: A million and six things.

Joseph Petrini: What about the biggest issues?

Ramona Petrini: Most of our biggest political and social systems are built off of centuries of oppression. Oppression of color, oppression of poor people, oppression of any person that is not on the side of the oppressor. I  am saying that opression plays a huge part in how we build governments and in society. And those pain that come with being oppressed never goes away. Thats a huge problem with the world. And its a problem that we fight, war is a problem. And its a problem that we’re killing the world. That at this point there is very little we can do to reverse climate change if anything at all. We have this planet and this universe that is indifferent to us and we’re like, “ oh lets just trash this planet.” I think those are my issues with the world in a nutshell.

My Response to Ramona Petrini’s Issues

I agree with everything that my sister said about our planet. I think definitely one of the biggest and most pressing issues in our world is what we can do about climate change. It is so disturbing to think about how climate change has progressed to the point where there is no feasible way to completely stop it from destroying it the earth. I also agree that the fact that we fight is one of the biggest issues throughout history and for the future as well. Countries like Switzerland, Sweden, and Iceland who have never had large military presence and have some of the best economies and best education systems, should serve as models for the rest of the world on how you can live in a prosperous nation and not be immensely active in a militaristic way.

A True Story About Changing The World: Margaret Becker

I interviewed my Mom about how she changes the world every day. My Mom, Margaret Becker, a legal aid lawyer who is currently working on the recovery from hurricane sandy.

Joseph Petrini: How do you change the world everyday?

Margaret Becker: I don’t change the world. Everyday.

Joseph Petrini: How do you change the world in general?

Margaret Becker: I change the world in general by caring about everybody. Thats how you change the world. You decide everybody matters, that everybodys important, just as important. And thats how you change the world.

Joseph Petrini: How does changing the world everyday affect you?

Margaret Becker: It makes me feel like my life is worthwhile. And also, its really rewarding. People appreciate it and they tell you that what you did was important to them and made things better for them and that makes you feel good about yourself.

A True Story About Margaret Becker Changing The World
A true story about my mother changing the world is how she cares about everyone of her clients and personally helps solve their problems.  Everyday clients in disastrous situations come in to talk to her and her colleagues to fix their problems. I went to a benefit event to commemorate the one year anniversary of hurricane sandy with my mom. At the event I met some of her clients and the first thing all of them said was what an amazing thing my mom was doing and how much she was changing their lives.