Monday, December 1, 2014

Article Analysis: "On Rooftops of Ferguson, Volunteers Patrol, With Guns."

Social Justice Article:

Fernandez, Manny, and Alan Blinder. "On Rooftops of Ferguson, Volunteers Patrol, With Guns." The New York Times. The New York Times, 29 Nov. 2014. Web. 01 Dec. 2014.

The article "On Rooftops of Ferguson, Volunteers Patrol, With Guns" by Alan Blinder and Manny Fernandez talks about an armed citizen militia in Ferguson, MO that is protecting the city from looters looting and destroying buildings and stores. This is an example of injustice because it shows the use of violence as an excuse for the the horrible tragedy that happened in Ferguson, MO regarding the shooting of Michael Brown. It is an injustice that people believe that because of the unstable state of the town of Ferguson people use that as a reason to loot and burn down buildings. It is also an injustice that people use violence and possibly more fatalities as a solution to an already extremely fatal and bleak environment.

In my own life it makes me think about how physical aggression affects my social life. For example, a kid who verbally is threatening violence is looked up to as this cool stereotypical ‘tough’ guy. This relates to the article because it is talking about an example of a misappropriation physical aggression in society similarly to how kids and teens use physical aggression to create a persona of them.

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